Now on to the prickly feeling part! (I typed a whole lot of descriptive stuff before this which is all gone now so dont expect this time to be better) Basically, I was sitting under the fan before Ming and Justin came. It was then that my whole head felt like it was on fire. There was this whirlpool on the top of my head, pulsating with heat and overflowing with lava. I felt my hair was fried and I had to constantly check my face to see if my nose, eyes and mouth were still there. My whole SKIN was prickling and my scalp was sweaty. Only my scalp. It was the weirdest sensation ever. When M&J came (not michael and Jackson hahaha okay not funny) we started on the chocolate fondue. Suddenly, dwarfs entered my head and started pounding at the inside of my skull with blunt pickaxes. All the while, right till the very end of the CG, I acted as if nothing was happening. BUt oooohhh! What a headache! can i say something..Sarah's sister here. GONNA MISS YOU! BYE BYE! :( (that really was my sister.. Awww.. She's going back tonight to Australia. WHY?!) Soo yeah that was basically what happened to me last night.. My head was like... on fire lah. I know I already said that but yeah. My cheeks werent red or anything.. Just the top of my head was releasing heat waves..
Anyhoooos, PICTAHS!
Yes. He took my camera and camwhored.
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