Tuesday, April 28, 2009


IQ Test
Free-IQTest.net - IQ Test


apparently so. not trustworthy. I go do so more.

Edit: Then I got 98 for the highsocietyIQ thing.
Then another one I Got 110..
LMAO. the first one definitely not right liao

Free IQ Test

And YET ANOTHER TEST. So far Ive done about.. lets see.... 6? Around the same la... but yeah. I have low IQ la seriously. plus that right, I spent two hours on facebook uploading pics.. people better thank me. I WASTED THE WHOLE DAY DOING NOTHING. starting work now. like a loser...

Dumb Test

And whoopeedoo!! IM ONLY 44% dumb tho that is almost like... HALF. O.o shit

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