nerd. ish.. ? no fringe people no fringe .
KIND of with fringe.. But like i will make my fringe more prominent if im choosing that...

OKAY, this depends on you readers!! YOU WILLL HAVE TO DEECIDE the future of my hair!
Do i look better in short hair, like shown above, or in long hair? CURLY HAIR?
OR EVEN BETTER, should i get a mohawk? a pixie-style cut? boy cut? Have no fringe? Get fringe? (btw, i AM wearing clothes in that pic. dont doubt my words k.) VOTE PEOPLE!
btw old short rhyme:
If you claim you're not fusspot,
Then why make all that fuss,
If you say you're not a coward,
Then why act like such a wuss?
TRY TO ENJOY THE UGLY PICS AND VOTE UP PEOPLE! thanks! very much appreciated!
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